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Update 1/25/2025: I finally located this building. As the roof collapsed in 1999 I had assumed it was demolished. Not so. The building now houses Aerial Express Gymnastics and Dance as of 2024. The canopy section of the roof is still there and the unique brickwork confirms it. It appears there is a new section of roof installed with a pitch for runoff. The building looks very nice now. Now that I know the address, I also discovered this building housed Imo's Food Mart in the 1980's.
The 17,000 ft Kids Biz Pizza and Play Center was a fun center/day care operating in Frenchtown Twp in the late 90's. When I went by in 2002, it was closed. A portion of the roof collapsed in 1999. I assume that resulted in the place being closed and I believe the building is gone. I am guessing this place was on M-24 given that is sort of the main drag in that area.