Ten-Tel Cleaners - Southfield MI

Address: 24040 W 10 Mile Rd
City: Southfield
State: MI
Zip: 48033
County: Oakland
Number of visits to this page: 327

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General Information:

This cleaning shop was a hangout for me when I was of elementary school age. Southfield #10 was close to this strip of stores and this was at the edge of my old neighborhood. It was called "Suburban Heights" in the early days. It had a sign at the foot of Acacia Rd and 10 mile.

The cleaners is a good memory because they had a pop machine with ice cold glass bottles of Sprite. The bottles were on their side and you opened a little door and grabbed a bottle by the top after you put in your money. I think it was 15 cents or something small when I was a kid. I could walk up here without crossing a busy street. Before long, I was sneaking across Telegraph to go to Ten-Tele Market to get candy and stuff. Later on, I worked at Raleigh House which was behind all of these shops to the north. That is long gone.

Next to the cleaners was Roger Lee's Barber Shop. He was a good barber and I remember he held my head very tightly in place as he cut my hair. He had the white uniform and everything. Behind his shop, he rented the back room to the Detroit News to be used as the local "paper station". That was the place the paperboys (like me) went to pick up our papers for our routes. You put in your fillers (ads), loaded the papers in the carrier bag, and put the bag on your bike.

Next to that were Hi-Lo Auto Parts (which was then known as Southfield Auto Parts) at 24210 W 10 Mile Rd, and the Southfield Veterinary Clinic at 24130 W 10 Mile. Amazingly, the vet is still going under that name in 2025. I find it interesting this little stretch of stores are all of the original buildings as they were in the late 1950's. My folks built our house there in 1959 and I believe they were there then. Berg was an oiled dirt road back then. I think our house cost about $29,000 at the time. That was a good bit of money back then. I remember my parents saying if they could only make $1000 per month they'd have it made LOL.

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Ten-Tel Cleaners - 2011 Street View (newer photo)
2011 Street View (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - 2011 Street View (newer photo)
2011 Street View (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - 2011 Roger Lee Barber Shop With Det News Paper Station In Back (newer photo)
2011 Roger Lee Barber Shop With Det News Paper Station In Back (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - 2011 Street View Of Vet And Auto Parts (newer photo)
2011 Street View Of Vet And Auto Parts (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - My Childhood Home (newer photo)
My Childhood Home (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - Dec 3 1979 Ad (newer photo)
Dec 3 1979 Ad (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - 1958 Southfield High Year Book Ad (newer photo)
1958 Southfield High Year Book Ad (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - 1966 Southfield High Year Book Ad (newer photo)
1966 Southfield High Year Book Ad (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - 1977 Southfield High Year Book Ad (newer photo)
1977 Southfield High Year Book Ad (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - June 1958 Article For Suburban Heights (newer photo)
June 1958 Article For Suburban Heights (newer photo)
Ten-Tel Cleaners - Sept 7 1963 Ad For Suburban Heights Subdivision (newer photo)
Sept 7 1963 Ad For Suburban Heights Subdivision (newer photo)
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